Discuss various aspects of JavaScript

2 min readNov 3, 2020

Catch And Error:

People, no matter how great programmers, sometimes make mistakes in their scripts. And these mistakes can not be understood without going to the console. But now there is an 8 called catch There is syntax. Which catches our mistakes.

tryIt {
alert('First I will come'); //Catch in no Error
alert('then I will come'); //Catch in no error
// alers('I am Wrong'); //if this syntax is something goes wrong then come to catch(err).
catch(err) {
alert(' I will come if something goes wrong above'); // (3)


Whenever we write a code, it can be a single line or multiple lines. We use comments to explain why code works and how it works and whenever we use these comments we will write our words short and write the code in such a way that anyone who sees it will understand what this code has been used for.

This Is Wrong:

// This code will do things and do things
// and do things

This Is right:

// This is a number It is useful for calculations

Client site:

The user interface is called the client site. That is, the user who communicates on the site is called the client site or user interface. In general, what the user sees is the client site. And what you can’t see is the server site.

Server Site:

The site that is used to control the client site is called the server site. No user can ever see the server site. The server side is the server site that controls everything you see or do on the client site. And exchanges data from one place to another.

Browser Testing:

You are a web application. You need to make sure that all the browsers you are creating are supported. Then your application will be standard. First, you need to check in a few browsers whether your site is correct. common Some browsers are named: — Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Opera. If your site runs correctly, then you must understand that your site is OK.


Es6 is the updated version of javascript. Es6 has greatly reduced our coding costs. And the code is making the gula more organic. Due to which programming has become easier now. Function below are some examples:

var = const , letfunction(){ } = const update = () => {}


Parameters are values passed from one function to another function. Parameters allow you to easily pass values from one component to another component. Usually, when we pass a value we receive it as props.




Hi, I am Toufik Hasan, I am a professional web developer. I like JavaScript as the programming language. I have been working with JavaScript for a long time.